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EDC Minutes 05-27-2009

MINUTES                                                                            MAY 27, 2009
MADDEN ROOM                                                                       TOWN HALL

PRESENT: Chairperson Janis Murtha, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, James Murray and Alternates William Jodice and Joseph Kennedy

ABSENT: Marilyn Morrison, Roseann Williams, Louise Neary and Alternates Linda Jeski and John Mitchell

ALSO PRESENT: Economic Development Consultant Craig Stevenson

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.

2. Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced.

3. Public Participation: Peter DeMallie introduced Scott Leonard who owns property on the Manchester/South Windsor border along Smith Street and Buckland Road. Mr. Leonard is looking for support in the development of the parcel. Mr. Leonard gave an easement to Manchester for the ‘Welcome to Manchester’ sign that is currently there and also frontage from his property to help meet the STC requirements when The Shops at Evergreen Walk were developed. Mr. Leonard was given verbal approval for a right turn entrance and exit from his property along Buckland Road. The property is currently zoned residential and an application has been filed with P&Z for a change to restricted commercial zone. The hearing on this application is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2009. Mr. Leonard has a national tenant interested in the site if the zone is changed. The site is a little over two acres. Commissioner Murray asked if Mr. Leonard has spoken with the neighbors to the west on Smith Street and Mr. Leonard stated that it is a residential neighbor and they are not interested in selling their property. Commissioner Futtner stated that M&R Liquors currently has the same type of curb cut that Mr. Leonard is requesting and Mr. DeMallie concurred.         
4. Old Business:
        CT Studios Update: Mr. Stevenson reported that the purchase and sale agreement for the approximate twenty-two acres has been completed and the land is now under the control of CT Studios. CT Studios is currently working on finalizing the transfer of the remaining properties. The TIF agreement will allow for future tax payments to finance the infrastructure and some construction of the buildings and is not to exceed $25 million. There are new bonds available through the federal stimulus plan that may be considered for this project. Mr. Stevenson reviewed the CT Studios project and added that the master plan will include plans to add three additional sound stages and an office building. They hope to have the site plan approved by the end of the summer and begin the project by the year’s end. There was a P&Z meeting last night to consider a zone amendment to allow for outdoor activity on the site. Commissioner Jodice commented that it sounds like things are moving forward. Commissioner Futtner asked if Commissioner Lillis’ questions were answered and Mr. Stevenson confirmed that they were.

5. Committee Report:
        Report from Chairperson Murtha: (see item 6)
        Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino stated there are no new applications. Commissioner Carino explained that businesses pay for their sewer based on their water consumption and that the WPCA is working on a plan to separate the metering for water going to the sewer. Commissioner Carino also stated that there has been a problem with developers that was discovered. Sewer charges are paid for when a permit is issued and the sewer has been installed and inspected. But developers that haven’t completed their projects are still paying for sewer use. A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 on this issue. A change in the procedure would allow for a delay in the billing until the building project is complete. The WPCA is working to make their regulations more fair and reasonable. Mr. Stevenson commented that the importance of the local sewer authority is valuable to the town and makes the town competitive.

6. Communications and Remarks:
        Report from Jan Murtha, Chairperson: Chairperson Murtha shared the mail from the Chamber. Chairperson Murtha attended the opening and ribbon cutting for ECHN.

        Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson reported on the I291 site: the CEPA study is complete and there are three issues that need to be addressed. The first is the Tiger Beetle, an endangered species, that needs to be moved within South Windsor. A potential site is near the brickyard but the town is also looking at two other sites because of the number of beetles. Some town owned sites have been identified and the move is expected to be complete by October. The second is the Grasshopper Sparrow will be moved to existing town owned property that will be designated as a preserve. The third is the vernal pool. The state is requiring an environmental easement of property currently owned by the Shepard family. The family is requesting more money than it would be worth to move the sparrows there. There is a possibility of preserving another vernal pool of equal quality but the state is requiring an additional fifteen acres of property to quarantine the land so it won’t be developed in the future. Commissioner Futtner asked why the Shepard property is so expensive and Mr. Stevenson stated that the family is interested in selling the entire property not just the vernal pool complex and the town doesn’t have the resources to complete the transaction.  Mr. Stevenson stated that a training facility for the I291 facility is in the planning stages and they are looking at the South Windsor technology center land at Sullivan Avenue and Rte. 5. A major CT developer is interested in investing and Mr. Stevenson is trying to confirm this information.

An end user is interested in the former car dealership at 395 John Fitch Blvd.

An existing South Windsor business is interested in expanding with possible new construction.

A national childcare center is looking for a location in town.          

7. New Business:
        Scott Leonard-support of zone change and curb cut onto Buckland Road: A motion was made by Commissioner Murray and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to add Scott Leonard to the agenda under New Business and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Commissioner Murray and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to recommend the zone change and curb cut and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Mr. Stevenson will attend the public hearing and Chairperson Murtha will ask Commissioner Neary to attend in her absence.

        South Windsor Stone & Landscape Supply Expansion Project Introduction: Peter DeMallie introduced Art and Cindy Silvestri’s proposal for 287 Strong Road. The main building would have a small percentage of retail, an office and a warehouse. There would also be outside storage of mulch, stone, etc... and seventeen onsite self storage units. The yard would be gravel. There is also the potential for a 2,310 sq. ft. addition on the 1.65 acre site. In the future the Silvestri’s will be asking for a tax abatement but they need to complete the paperwork. Commissioner Carino asked if P&Z has already changed the site to accept the type of planned use and Mr. DeMallie confirmed that they have. Commissioner Carino asked if it could be shown that this project would be the highest and best use of the site and Mr. DeMallie explained that that would be a real estate issue and that the highest taxable value for the property would most likely be an office building or manufacturing but that the Silvestri’s are not familiar with those type of businesses.

8. General Discussions: Commissioner Burnham asked if a motion was necessary to accept the by-laws and Chairperson Murtha explained that that has already been done. Commissioner Jodice asked when Nickerson is to start sewer treatment and Commissioner Carino explained that the state is reviewing the application and he hopes to give an update at next month’s meeting.

9. Approval of Minutes:
        Minutes of 04-22-09: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Jodice to accept the minutes of April 22, 2009 and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to adjourn at 8:53 p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter
Clerk                                                                   Approved:   June 24, 2009